My Journey into Sound.



When I was young probably around 12 years old, I remember having a feeling I have something important to do in this world, but I didn’t know how to go about finding out what that was.  This was before the internet.  Even the library, at that time, was not much help in my research.  I continued to live a conventional life… going to college, getting married and raising children.  It wasn’t until 2009 that events started moving me in to the direction of awakening, slowly.  That year, everything in my life started to fall apart, my business, my marriage, my career.  Then a car accident in late 2010, sent me on a journey of trying to heal my body.  I was unable to exercise at the intensity that I was used to. I hurt all the time. I started to enter into early menopause due to stress. At the same time, I had spent 5 years trying to figure out the question ‘what the heck do I want to do with my life!’  Well that led me nowhere because I had not explored anything other than what was acceptable for the matrix.  It wasn’t until 2015, when I moved overseas with my husband, that I had to sit with myself and explore me.  I couldn’t just get a job or do mindless activities to distract myself.  I had to sit with myself and listen.  It started off as exploring rabbit holes of all kinds like finance, health, religion, politics, society and science.  Learning the truths about how this matrix we live in really works.  That was a serious pill to swallow, but on some level it gave me the ‘Ah-Ha’ moment.  I was relearning everything and deeply looking at what my core beliefs were and what I truly believe and align with, not what someone else told me.  I started to work on myself and heal my traumas and relationships. Then this moved me into meditation, yoga, and gurus.  I ditched the gurus and explored meditation and yoga.  Which led me to a yoga class in 2018, I spontaneously decided to attend a singing bowl meditation class.  I had no idea what is was about but for some reason I was guided to participate that evening.  And as soon as the bowls were struck, the sound, simultaneously, also struck my heart and soul.  I knew my path was Sound.  I don’t know how I knew, but I had this feeling of peace, love and being at home.  However, I honestly didn’t know at the time what that really entailed.  Before I found my innate gift of Toning and Light Language, I decided to learn what I could about sound and its ability to heal.  I studied singing bowls from various teachers and tuning forks.  I studied how to heal through my voice using spiritual hypnotherapy methods.  But somehow, I knew that there was more to come.  Then one day, I was meditating and had this incredible pressure in my throat chakra.  I spontaneously start to make a noise.  At first, I thought I was so weird and strange because I can’t sing and I am not musical at all.  But I allowed the sounds to flow.  I noticed that the tones were connecting with each of my chakras.  I felt a huge shift in how they felt.  I realized that the tones cleared and balanced my whole chakra system.  I felt more centered/balanced/at peace with myself.  And as I continued to work with the tones more and more, I noticed upgrades, clearings, and downloads.  I was connecting into my Higher-Self, bringing in all this new information into my being.  One of my upgrades turns out to be Light Language.  I then began my journey into the quantum fields of healing and connection.  



I work with Source and your Divine Teams to assist in you with what is ready to be cleared/shifted/removed.  I continue to explore with curiosity inner truths that help me remember and unify, and also to bring this wisdom and knowledge to you. I am blessed/honored/grateful to be able to assist/support/guide others in their healing/clearing/upgrading process. 



with Love and Unity,

Niki Amin